Lebenswert bio Organic Baby Formula Stage 1

Lebenswert bio Organic Baby Formula Stage 1

4.87 out of 5 based on 38 customer ratings
(38 customer reviews)

From 0 to 6 months – 500g

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Product Description


Lebenswert bio Organic Infant Formula Stage 1 is made by Holle. The milk of Lebenswert comes exclusively from organic farmers, whose species-appropriate stock breeding follows the strict guidelines of Bioland farming. In this way, man, animal, and land are valued and respected. Organic Bioland farmers stand for species-appropriate stock breeding, plant protection, and soil fertilisation without chemical or synthetic agents and with careful management of the soil’s fertility. Produce made under these requirements are sustainable and preserve nature.

The balance with nature is one of the reasons for the superior quality of the milk used in Lebenswert bio premium baby food. From making via processing to the ready product, the special organic quality is ensured by means of independent and government agency checks.

  • Non-GMO
  • No added flavors or colors
  • No added preservatives
  • Strictly controlled for pollutants
  • For approx. 130oz of mixed formula
  • Easy to digest
  • Gluten-free
  • No genetically modified organisms
  • Bioland milk


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38 reviews for Lebenswert bio Organic Baby Formula Stage 1

  1. cokala@live.ca
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I love this formula. It is so easy for my son to digest.

  2. aswjlw2015@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I love having a formula that I feel safe using.

  3. cccptkpc@yahoo.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    It is wonderful to find formula that is produced for the benefit of our children. I just had my very first child and was adamant about breastfeeding her. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t latch so I had to pump, and most unfortunately was that I was not able to produce much. Had no choice to use store bought formula. Tried Enfamil, Nutramigen, Similac…needless to say her system could not tolerate either. Talk about expensive!!! I was informed about the issues associated with soy so I sought out to find formula that had no soy. I could not find any formula produced in America that was non-soy based. Found Beyond Organic Baby and researched the product, tested it on my baby girl after research and was amazed to see how happy she was. Just received my second box and I am looking forward to bulk ordering for her. Thank you for caring about our children with your endeavor to provide organically produced non-soy baby formula, and competitively priced. Many blessings for your businesses continued success.

  4. khristyhenry87@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Just ordered my first box of LEBENSWERT 1. I’m so excited to give this to my little girl. The quality and ingredients are way better than that other stuff on the market right now.

  5. lisarevolver@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    It’s nice to find a formula that works and is organic. I had to supplement my baby’s feedings with formula and what better than this here. I like to switch it up between this one and HIPP to keep him from getting constipated. The quality is so much better than the garbage you buy off grocery shelves in the store and it’s priced to compete with that stuff too. Peace of mind you really can’t put a price on but it’s right here!

  6. elena.a.ryabova@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    When I was expecting my baby boy a friend of mine suggested I check Holle in case my milk supply was low. When I started reading reviews I decided to go with Lebenswert Bio instead due to ingredients. I’m all about organic and healthy choices especially when it comes to baby food. It uses Lactose and not maltodextrin which is a plus. My little guy is two months now and we started using Lebenswert Bio Stage 1 pretty much from first week of his life as I was not producing enough milk. He seemed to like it from the very beginning. No issues with digestion, gas, colic etc. Apart from that fast shipping to Canada.

  7. jekopena@hotmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The package arrived in perfect conditions to my mail in 2 days. I just started supplementing breastfeeding with this formula and everything is going fine, so very happy with the purchase!

  8. dianekim8802@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    highly recommend! my 2 month old daughter didn’t have any issues with American brand formula but i wanted to give her something more better so i switched to lebenswert. she loves the milk even more and digests it very well. highly recommend to moms who’s considering a healthier choice for their little one. purchased this formula in bulks.

  9. golfwidow06@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Great formula! We were nervous making the transition to formula from breastmilk but she took to this formula like a champ! It’s so good to know she is getting the nourishment she needs minus all the questionable ingredients in other formula. Also we love Beyond Organic Baby – they make ordering the formula easy and with the free priority shipping I can track my order. Others we know ordered the same formula from Europe and struggled with shipping.

  10. speffy@hotmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Love this formula! My son is breastfed and we use this as a supplement when I can’t pump enough. I feed good knowing my baby is still getting great nutrition without all the nasty ingredients in North American formula. We ordered 1 box to start and it took just under 2 weeks to arrive (I’m in BC, Canada). I loved that there was a tracking number so you could see where the formula was. I’ve heard some sites offering these formulas can be sketchy and items don’t arrive. Will definitely order more as needed from this site.

  11. tracilynn03@yahoo.com
    4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Ingredients are fantastic! Honestly have not had to supplement with it yet, but have peace of mind if my milk supply decreases, my baby will be getting the best quality formula available. I think just knowing I have this in the cupboard boosted my supply 🙂 Will certainly update when (if) I need to use this product. Wonderful customer service, super speedy shipping.

  12. tracilynn03@yahoo.com
    4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Ingredients are fantastic! Honestly have not had to supplement with it yet, but have peace of mind if my milk supply decreases, my baby will be getting the best quality formula available. I think just knowing I have this in the cupboard boosted my supply 🙂 Will certainly update when (if) I need to use this product.

  13. qro2319@hotmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    First time to try lebenswert formula. My baby likes it and hasn’t had any problem to digest it so far. I used enfamil before but i want organic formula that uses lactose as sweetener. Also this formula tastes better than enfamil.

  14. cojomerritt@gmail.com
    4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    My little girl just finished her first package of Lebenswert formula and both of us could not be happier. I was reluctant to feed my baby formula when our doctor suggested supplementing when she was not gaining weight properly, so I started researching the best formula for supplementation. I read about how wonderful Holle formula was, but was more satisfied with the fact that Lebenswert is sweetened with lactose instead of maltodextrin. She seems to digest it pretty well. She is sometimes a little gassy, but she doesn’t seem to fuss or mind it too much. I am satisfied with this product and with the speedy delivery by Beyond Organic Baby. I will order again! Thank you!

  15. terra_259@msn.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Just received this. My baby was struggling digesting the Baby’s Only formula we had been using. So far so good!! I feel like this is so much better for quality and doesn’t have a strong formula smell He has also been pooping regularly and crying less with straining. I will track his progress and review again. Love!

  16. fblasing@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This formula is fantastic! My little guy was spitting up large quantities constantly, had hard stools and a difficult time passing them (screaming his head off every time), and a constantly upset tummy… all this on an organic formula from the US. We bought one box of Lebenswert Stage 1 to give it a try and our little one has been much happier! He’s not nearly as fussy with an upset tummy, he only spits up normal amounts now, and his stool has gone back to being soft (almost looks like it did when I was trying to breastfeed him). I would highly recommend this! We just got our next order of 5 boxes in! 🙂

  17. lmcnewtonpt@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I supplement our 6 month old daughter with formula as I just don’t produce enough milk. She had a rough beginning and when we started supplementing (around 8 weeks) she would ONLY tolerate enafamil gentle ease (much to my dismay) or my BM. I was desperate to switch her to something organic and after much research I found Beyond Organic Baby.

    We switched to Lebenswert Stage 1 from enfamil gentle ease, and I cannot tell you how much it eases my mind to be using a safe, organic formula with lactose instead of corn solids. Our daughter tolerated Lebenswert Stage 1 amazingly well in comparison (and pretty much immediately. I did mix her first 3 bottles with breast milk – using less breast milk every time until it was all formula). There are no crazy bubbles when you mix the formula, it doesn’t stink, she loves it, and her stools are very similar to when she was exclusively BF. She hasn’t had any gas pain, and just a little spitting – which is completely normal for our reflux baby.

    This is nothing short of a miracle for us, as every other formula I tried would make her scream with gas, and as my milk supply was dwindling, she wasn’t tolerating her old formula well either with terrible constipation. It was breaking my heart. I am so grateful to Beyond Organic Baby for making this product available to American parents at a reasonable price and with incredibly speedy shipping! Thank you from the bottom of my very grateful heart!

    • beyondorganicbaby@gmail.com


      Lisa thank you so much for this review, it touches our hearts and makes our daily activities a pleasure knowing we were able to make a different in your baby’s life.

  18. kmlamonica14@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    We started our baby boy on the Lebenswert Stage 1 formula when he was 3 months old. He is now 6 months old and is healthy as can be! After switching him from the “best” US organic formula he actually went through a 2 day detox from all the toxins which surprised me. His poo went back to looking like a breastfed baby’s poo and he almost never has gas. His bowel movements are regular and most importantly, he loves the formula! Thank you for being a trusted source of milk for our precious God-given gift! God bless you.

  19. nicolehamaker@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Due to a medical issue, I knew early on that I would be unable to breastfeed my daughter so spent a lot of time researching formulas during my pregnancy. We started her on Lebenswert when we brought her home from the hospital and she took to it immediately and had zero issues. At two months, she is at the very top of the charts for both weight and length, has had regular bowel movements from the beginning, sleeps well, and has been very healthy. We couldn’t be happier that we chose this formula!

  20. annabjornson01@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Wonderful formula! It does not bubble up at when you mix it and baby burps very easily!

  21. vanessajvitali@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I’m a breastfeeding mom who supplements a bottle of this formula once daily. Also if we are going out and need to leave our daughter with some food. She has had no confusion or fussiness transferring between the breast and formula. The product smells and Tate’s great and our daughter seems to be handling it well! I am happy with this product ?

  22. kolohemel@yahoo.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Supplementing my breast milk supply for my NB daughter with the Lebenswert bio. Originally thought I’d use the Holle, but like another reviewer stated, I liked the fact that the powder contains lactose and not maltodextrin. My daughter is not so picky about the taste of different formulas.

    While she was in the NICU for 3 days, the nurses used Gerber Good Starts until my milk came in. Now that my milk supply is increasing, we supplement with Lebenswert bio. My husband and I would echo the other reviewers who say the powder is easily mixed in SMALL batches, so that it doesn’t “expire” before it is consumed by baby. Because it is expensive and must be used within 2 hours of being at room temp, we mix up about 285 ml per day, keep it in the fridge, pour it into bottles in 30 ml increments, which we bring to room temp right before a feeding session so that we don’t waste too much of it if she doesn’t drink it all.

  23. joanna.sheets@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    We needed to start supplementing our newborn about about 6 weeks with formula because of a low milk supply. After doing much research this is by far the best formula out there. It looks, smells and tastes like milk. Far superior to other formula brands. Our baby does very well with it and easily goes back and forth between breastmilk and Lebenswert.

  24. amsargent1618@aol.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    My daughter had a horrible time on standard American formula. I tried enfamil newborn, then my doctor switched her to enfamil AR, then he switched us again to nutramigen. Also put her on two different types of medication for reflux and constipation. She would scream. So I started research formula and found Holle Lebenswert I couldn’t be happier.

    As I researched I came across beyondorganicbaby.com they are fast and as far as cost are the same as everyone else. I’ve noticed they are one of the only websites with overnight shipping even if it’s a little more costly it’s nice when you are running low and need formula immediately.

  25. trish_mendoza@hotmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I’ve switched from Holle to Lebenswert. Lebenswert contains Lactose as oppose to Maltodextrin for sweetener which is better based on research/reviews. Both formulas overall have been very good and my son loves them both. I bottle feed and breastfeed since I don’t produce enough milk so having to look for a clean formula was very important to me. Beyond Organic Baby has excellent customer service, fast shipping and the best prices compared to other websites. Will buy in bulk from now on. Highly recommend to mothers that are looking for a clean, safe and organic formula. Thank you Beyond Organic Baby!

  26. cav206@nyu.edu
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I’m so glad to have found this formula!! I am breastfeeding but need to supplement from time to time and my baby loves it! He would make a face every time I tried other brands and u hated the smell of them. He does not give me a hard time with this brand at all! Highly recommend to all moms, very fast shipping.

  27. borganic@charlesheld.com
    4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Ordered one box and am now ordering more. Baby (six weeks) loves the taste. She was EBF until now but needs some “extra”. Only change we’ve noticed so far is that BMs are larger but less frequent. She has put on weight more quickly than when EBF but since she is under 10th percentile that is what she needs! Quick shipping from BeyondOrganic!

  28. samcainey@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    My baby loves this milk. He loves the taste and we love the ingredients. It was shipped super fast. Plan on buying more.

  29. jan.mitchell35@yahoo.com
    4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I’m still waiting to see consistent results before giving a full review of this product. I have ordered both the Holle Stage 1 and just received my shipment today for the Lebenswert Stage 1. I am using it with my 4month old and so far, she seems to be taking pretty well. I did notice a slight rash of bumps on her cheeks and forehead after switching from Similac for Spit Up to this brand. She didn’t have the mini bumps with the Similac, so I am still waiting to see if this will clear with the switch to the Lebenswert or if it may just be a reaction to the swift transition from one formula to the next that I’ve done. I know, bad mommy, but I was so excited about seeing all the positive reviews of other American parents who have tried this with their babies who have had Reflux and spit up issues and have seen these problems lessen with this healthier alternative.

    My four stars in regards to the speed of delivery-WOW!! I love that it is free expedited shipping and I can order on Friday and have the product by Monday is AMAZING to me! Thank you for your great service and if all continues to go well, you will have a customer for life. Thanks again!

  30. amie.burl@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Due to severe reflux and low supply issues on my end we had to start supplementing and completely switch over to formula. Homemade formula was not an option for me this time. In the past I have used other organic formulas and this one far surpasses all of them.

    The formula mixes really well. You don’t have to shake it and swirl it around to get rid of all the formula ‘bits’. It smells great too. My son loves the taste. He also has a bowel movement after almost every feeding and has had no constipation issues. Extremely happy with Lebenswert so far. Shipping is quick too!

  31. tima.persaud@outlook.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This formula is the best option to my knowledge after much research. I am breastfeeding and adding a small amount of this formula to expressed breast milk and my daughter has done very well with it. I also love the customer service that is offered by beyond organic baby! The shipping is fast and they are so helpful!

  32. james.d.marasco@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Glad I found this product! My wife breast feeds and we use this formula, our son does so well with both.

  33. cmyildiz79@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    As I have been trying all the EU organic formulas, I found out this is the cleanest tasting formula that I have ever tried. Even compared to other EU organic formulas, Lebenswert, taste wise, is far more superior. Is it the lack of maltodextrin? I do not know. If you are okay with the extra price, and that difference is not that much in my opinion, this formula is the ultimate, end of the look for the best organic formula epic …

  34. katcasazza@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    This formula is amazing. I used Holle for my daughter (who is now 2) and now I use Lebenswert for my 6 month old son, as we are already supplementing with some formula when I am back at work. This formula and Holle’s other formula has been great for our family and my kid’s little bellies. My daughter loved it and now my son loves it. So happy knowing I am giving my babies the best formula out there 🙂 I did a lot of research and the ingredient list of this formula is the best list of any formula that I know of!

  35. arevik3@hotmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    The best formula in the market. After posting in a network with 8000 moms present and doing long research for hours this formula became the winner! It looks, smells and tastes amazing.My daughter just loves it. Easily dissolves in water and it’s easy to digest. I call this formula “vanilla ice cream “.

  36. tmlrock31@hotmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I LOVE this stuff. My son had issues with weight gain so we had to supplement. I did a ton of research and this formula stood out as the best option next to breastmilk. My son has no issues with it, loves it, and his weight gain is back on track. We tried another organic brand from Europe and he broke out in eczema and had awful stomach pains. I highly highly recommend this formula, as well as this company!!!

  37. chelschels2006@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I was very apprehensive of buying formula over the internet, especially a formula that was packaged in a language I don’t understand but when I decided to stop pumping I began my research on organic formulas and found that even the US brands contain things that I don’t want my baby to ingest. The reviews for Holle and Hipp were overwhelmingly positive so I decided to try it and I’m glad I did. I’ve only began to switch my 8wk old over to the Lebenswert by mixing it in with his old formula but even with the small amount he’s had, I’ve noticed a difference. His stools are softer & he seems to have an easier time going. He has had baby acne since birth that flairs up from formula so I’m hoping that will clear up with this as well. The redness in his face has subsided so we’ll see if it prevents any breakouts. This will definitely be my staple formula from now on.

  38. kelsi.ford89@gmail.com
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I started using Holle for my baby, and it was absolutely excellent. Then I found this formula, which contains lactose instead of maltodextrin, and it is even better. These two formulas are by far the best we’ve found! So happy to have found these when I had to quit breastfeeding. They made my baby’s change from breast milk to formula much easier!

4.87 38

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Additional Information

Weight 0.75 lbs


Skimmed milk *, whey powder (partly demineralised) *, vegetable oils * (palm oil *, rapeseed oil *, sunflower oil *), lactose *, potassium chloride, calcium, vitamin C, sodium chloride, ferrous gluconate, vitamin E, zinc sulfate, niacin, calcium pantothenate, copper sulphate , Vitamin B 1 , Vitamin B 6 , Vitamin A, manganese sulfate, folic acid, potassium iodate, vitamin K 1 , sodium selenate, vitamin D.

* from organic farming


Click the Link below for the Full instructions:



Preparation with water sterilization: 

1. Boil bottle, nipple, and ring for 3-5 minutes before use.

2. Boil the amount of water indicated on the dosage chart and let cool to around

50°C (122°F). Pour about half of the water into the bottle.

3. Add level, unpacked scoop/s according to dosage charts to water in bottle.

Take care to level off scoops with the flat back of a knife.

4. Shake well. Add the rest of the water and shake vigorously.

Let cool to about 37°C (98.6°F) before feeding the baby.


Preparation without water sterilization (safe water source):

1. Warm up the amount of water indicated on the dosage to around 50°C (122°F)

(microwave not recommend). Pour about half of the water into the bottle.

2. Add level, unpacked scoop/s according to dosage charts to water in bottle.

Take care to level off scoops with the flat back of a knife.

3. Shake well then add the rest of the water and shake vigorously.

Let cool to about 37° (98.6°F) before feeding the baby.


Important Information:

* Carefully follow the preparation instructions.

* Use only the scoop provided.

* The doses indicated must be respected.

Your baby’s health depends on following the proper instructions:

* Avoid preparing bottles ahead of time; leftover formula should be discarded after 1h maximum if not refrigerated.

* To prevent dental decay, do not allow baby to continually suckle bottle.

* Do not use a microwave to heat. Burns can result.


Care instruction:

* Expiration date is indicated on each packet.

* Please keep away from heat and humidity.

* After the packet is open, use in the next 2 weeks.

* Storing formula in a glass or stainless steel container is recommended.